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Dr. Brandan Lee

Brain Fog? Let's clear things up!

Have you ever had brain fog? Have you ever felt fuzzy in the head, had trouble thinking, or gotten behind because your "brain just wouldn't work"?

At the moment "Brain Fog" is not technically a medical condition. The incidence of Brain Fog is increasing and now that it is considered a long-term side effect of Covid-19, we'll probably see this get more attention and maybe even become a diagnosable medical condition.

Brain Fog is generally described as a state of decreased ability to concentrate, problem-solve, or have organized thoughts because you feel a combination of fuzzy, dizzy, tired and confused.

One of the reasons this condition has not been made into a clinical condition or syndrome is that it can be hard to distinguish the point when something is seriously wrong. Is your friend just tired and "needs a power nap", or is he/she experiencing the symptoms of early-onset Alzheimer's?

If you or your loved one have suspicions of a serious pathology developing, you should seek consultation with a professional.

For those who are simply seeking to:

  1. Have more energy

  2. Be able to think clearer

  3. Have better concentration

  4. Develop mental stamina

We can help! Here are some practical and nutritional "do's and don'ts" that will assist the healthy function of your brain:


  1. Prioritize sleep. Sleep is when your body and brain heal and recover from everything that you put it through during the day. A good night's sleep is one of the best things you can do for your brain.

  2. Take Vitamin D3. Vitamin D is a hormone that affects the function of nearly every cell in the body, including brain cells. The role of Vitamin D in preventing depression and anxiety is well documented. Here are several studies: Study 1, Study 2, Study 3. In this study of 42 women who were low in Vitamin D, the ones who supplemented with Vitamin D for 1 year saw improvement in memory and learning tests.

  3. Take Magnesium. Magnesium is an essential mineral that about 50% of American adults are deficient in. This mighty mineral can help clear brain fog in several ways. First, it may help you sleep better and deeper. Second, Magnesium can help you manage stress better.

  4. Take Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids. We don't sell an Omega-3 supplement at the moment, but we believe in it so much that we often recommend it. Your brain is largely made of fat, so providing nutrition full of healthy fat gives your brain some great building blocks. See point number 2 below.

  5. Do give your eyes and brain a break from screens and social media. Staring at screens and engaging in social media is not natural and we are just beginning to understand the negative effects on our brains and mental well-being.


  1. Don't eat inflammatory foods like gluten, sugar, refined carbohydrates, and foods fried in toxic oils like french fries. Foods that cause chronic systemic inflammation will also cause inflammation in the brain, and this will affect cognitive ability over time.

  2. Don't eat a low-fat diet. Your brain is mostly fat and you need healthy fats like avocado, grass-fed butter, free-range chicken and eggs, coconut and coconut oil, nuts and seeds, and grass-finished beef.

  3. Don't forget to breathe! Many people go an entire day only doing shallow breathing. Intentional deep breathes and exercises get blood and oxygen into your brain and tissues more efficiently, which helps clear your brain.

These strategies and tips will not only help you clear your head and reduce brain fog, but they will help you keep your brain healthy and hopefully prevent other cognitive problems in the future.

Order now with promo code "fall" and save 10%. Vitamin D to the Rescue here or Magnesium to the Rescue here.

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