When people start paying attention to their Vitamin D levels similar to the way people pay such close attention to their cholesterol levels, the face of health and healthcare will change.

Imagine if everyone you knew was to check and monitor their Vitamin D levels and worked hard to keep those levels in the optimal range of 40 - 60 ng/ml.
Considering that low Vitamin D is an "all-cause predictor of early death"*, knowing your Vitamin D status is one of the most important pieces of information you could have.
People know their blood pressure, they check thier own blood sugar levels and they regularly get their cholesterol checked. Vitamin D testing should be just as commonplace and routine as these other tests.
Even if the rest of the population hasn't caught on yet, don't be one of the people who suffer poor health consequences (like weak immune system and higher risk of cancer) because you don't know your Vitamin D blood levels.
Here are some practical steps you can take to be empowered with this important piece of information:
Go to a lab like LabCorp or Quest labs and pay for a Vitamin D test.
Ask your doctor to run a Vitamin D test at your next physical.
Use an at-home test like those provided by GrassRootsHealth.net or EverlyWell.
*A study published in 2020 looked at over 300,000 individuals and had this conclusion: "Conclusions: Higher 25(OH)D concentrations are nonlinearly associated with lower risk of all-cause, CVD, and cancer mortality. The thresholds of 45 to 60 nmol/L might represent an intervention target to reduce the overall risk of premature death, which needs further confirmation in large clinical trials.