Did you know that Vitamin D is actually very well researched?
If you search PubMed.gov for Vitamin D there are over 60,000 results for just the past 20 years.
Of particular interest is the research about Vitamin D and Respiratory Tract Infections(RTI). The non-profit nutrition think-tank GrassRootsHealth.org many comprehensive articles reviewing this research.
Here's one of our favorites: A meta-analyses of the literature published in 2017 by Martineau et al, showed that people who were low in Vitamin D (below 10ng/ml) and then supplemented with Vitamin D had a 70% reduction in the risk of acute RTI.
Sounds like a simple and safe way to give your body a significant advantage in preventing RTI's like colds, flu, coronaviruses and pneumonia.
Order your bottle of Vitamin D to the Rescue today and start building health confidence.