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Dr. Brandan Lee

All-Cause Mortality Increased by Low Vitamin D

Updated: Apr 18, 2024

Low levels of this crucial vitamin lead to shorter life spans.

Did you know that Vitamin D is mentioned in over 100,000 scientific articles? If you visit PubMed and type Vitamin D into the search bar, you'll see that there are over 10,000 pages of results! These 100,000 articles have date ranges reaching all the way back to 1922. That's a hundred years of research about Vitamin D!

Vitamin D is one of the most important substances your body needs for healthy normal function. While it's easy to focus on the role of Vitamin D in keeping bones strong or defending from viruses, it's important to realize Vitamin D is just plain crucial for total body normal function.

We should view Vitamin D like we view air or protein. We don't question the importance of breathing. Once we learn that protein is the building block of cells and that cells make up our body, we don't question that protein is just a necessity for living. Vitamin D influences the function of virtually every cell in the body.

This makes sense when you consider that the sun is crucial for life to exist on this planet. Whether you subscribe to creationism or evolution, or a combination of the two, we depend upon the sun to sustain life. The role of sunshine in Vitamin D production is the best-known example of how the sun supports our health.

One might ask: How could Vitamin D be so important? The sun comes up every day and provides life-giving rays to plants and animals. We were designed to both benefit from the sun and need the sun for Vitamin D production. The sun is abundant and dependable.

The problem is that in the modern age, 90% of American adults have low Vitamin D levels. This illustrates the quandary of Vitamin D: the body was designed to get ample Vitamin D from the sun, and it is absolutely crucial for being healthy, yet 9 out of 10 people are suffering from low Vitamin D levels. How can this be?

Consider several points:

  1. Many people have been taught to be afraid of the sun and purposely avoid sun exposure.

  2. The majority of people worldwide work indoors under fluorescent lights.

  3. There is evidence suggesting that modern-day stress and toxicity play a role in depleting our stores of Vitamin D. It's possible that even if you are spending time in the sun, you can still end up deficient because of environmental toxin load or the stress of modern life eating up the Vitamin D faster than we're able to make more.

The point is, Vitamin D is crucial for health, and for some reason, 90% of people are low. This brings us to our research article highlight of the day.

Low Vitamin D increases your chance of early death from just about every disease. A study published in 2022 in the Annals of Internal Medicine looked at over 300,000 British participants with known Vitamin D levels. The study followed these participants for 14 years. The authors of the study concluded that participants with a Vitamin D level of 10 ng/ml or lower had 25% higher odds of all-cause mortality than participants with a Vitamin D level of 20 ng/ml or higher. The authors also noted that the "risk for death decreased sharply with increasing concentrations" of Vitamin D. While having an optimal Vitamin D level doesn't guarantee that you'll never get sick, this study is just one of tens of thousands of studies that show us that Vitamin D is important for living a healthy life.

Do you know your Vitamin D level? We can help! Order our Vitamin D Home Test today to find out if your Vitamin D level is helping you or hurting you. It's easy, safe, and convenient.

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