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"OK" Is Not Good Enough!

Dr. Brandan Lee

Don't settle for an "OK" Vitamin D level when you can have an optimal Vitamin D level.

Having a Vitamin D level that is just "OK" might be putting your health and future at risk. There is an important difference between a Vitamin D level that was once considered sufficient or "OK" in the past and a Vitamin D level that is considered optimal.

Our understanding of Vitamin D has come a long way over the past century. Decades ago, we believed that Vitamin D was only important for maintaining strong bones. Researchers determined over 50 years ago that a Vitamin D level of around 18 or 20 ng/ml was sufficient to prevent the bone-weakening disease of Rickets, and for many years that was all your doctor cared about. If you had enough Vitamin D in your blood to prevent rickets and osteoporosis, you were "OK"!

We now know that Vitamin D is a lot more important than just strong bones! It is clear that Vitamin D is important for mental health, brain function, a healthy immune system, inflammation regulation, and a whole lot more! There are over 25,000 scientific studies about Vitamin D. There is a consensus among hundreds of experts from around the world that an optimal Vitamin D level is between 40 to 60 ng/ml. Anthropological evidence supports this idea also because experts believe that our ancestors would have lived and worked outdoors and would have naturally achieved a Vitamin D level in this range.

Experts in the fields of human performance and human optimization are latching on to this data and advising their patients and clients to seek optimal Vitamin D levels through a combination of healthy sunlight exposure and supplementation.

The good people over at put together an incredible chart (seen above) that demonstrates some of the evidence that we should strive to have a Vitamin D level between 40 to 60 ng/ml. You can see that this chart lists about 10 different diseases that could be impacted by a Vitamin D level between 40 to 60 ng/ml. Interestingly, the amount of Vitamin D needed to prevent Rickets is roughly half of the optimal level. If you settle for a Vitamin D level that's just enough to prevent Rickets, you're leaving yourself vulnerable.

Do you know your Vitamin D level? Do the members of your family know their Vitamin D level?

If you haven't been tested in the past 6 to 12 months, maybe you should consider ordering our Vitamin D Home Test today.

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